Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sick, sick, sick

Ugh, we have had the stomach flu, head-colds and now I think I have the Plague. Sorry about the hiatus.

Noah turned one March 4th and celebrated by vomiting most of the day. Kai, is totally impervious to illness, and Grace only got a cough, but Noah and I have been out with the funk.

So I'll be be back soon. And in a month, this blog will attain a certain je ne sais quoi, as we head to provence for 5 weeks. I'll blog a bit from there. Can't freaking wait. Mud season sucks. Except for the spring skiing. And the sugaring, but other than that, I am just about done with winter.

OK, I'm getting dizzy. Back later........


Maria said...

UGH -- I KNOW the feeling. We spent almost a full month with someone in our house sick and it was HORRIBLE!!! I am hopeful to read very very soon that all is well at your house. Poor Noah's birthday.

Lori said...

FEEL BETTER SOON! The flu (or Plague...they seem interchangeable to me!) SUCKS! Take it easy!!!

Jeanne said...

Get well very soon!