Good morning! It's a snowy winter wonderland here. Can't wait to go play in it, just need to wake up a little more. Here is who is already out there romping around..
#10) Dogs

Max the Dog, the wonderful dog! We are so lucky to have this amazing creature! He was hours from being euthanized this time last year. Now he is a certified therapy dog, kid snuggler-in-chief, walk and hike companion, and general good natured gentleman around the house. He is also the first male dog I have ever owned! Weird, but true.
Then there is Zia Brown dog. This dog is nothing but pure love on legs. Here is a picture of the sweet brown-sugar love in her younger days.

This was Sabrina, the dog of my heart. My friend, my companion, the being I could communicate with using only my eyes or my breath. We were linked, and I miss her every day. She lived to be 15 years old.

Dogs fill our days with joy. I have never, and will never, live without dogs.
A wonderful grandfather, a loving man, a gift to music. I have always felt loved by my father, every day of my life, which is no small thing for a child of divorce. No matter what was happening in his adult relationships, I knew my dad loved me. What a gift.
Naps. I love naps. They feel so indulgent and luxurious, especially if there is a warm body curled up with you. Noah is an especially snugly napper, but on the, rare, occasions that Zach will lie down, he is an awesome dozing partner too.
What are you grateful for today?
I'm loving these posts!
Today I am grateful for being met at the door after work by my son and a husband who made spaghetti sauce for our dinner. :)
Ooohh, dinner made for you is a great one!
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